

Why Growth Mindset Is the Secret to Long-Term Success

Achieving long-term success is more complex than having skill, knowledge, or luck. Although these traits matter, the primary factor is what usually goes unnoticed: your mindset, your attitude, and your approach toward life. More precisely, it is a growth mindset.

The phrase “growth mindset” comes from psychologist Carol Dweck. She suggests that one can nurture skills and intelligence given enough effort. This is fundamentally different from a fixed mindset. (Dweck, 2008). Those with a fixed mindset believe efforts are wasted since they feel trapped in their current skill set. So why does a growth mindset matter so much for long-term success? Let’s analyse this further.

Why Growth Mindset Is Important in Achieving Success

1. Opting For Challenges Rather Than Avoiding Them

Hurdles to these individuals only provide a stepping stone for personal growth. Challenges are just problems that can be solved and rather than running away from them, they embrace them head-on. They also understand that challenges truly help in developing one’s self and so they straightforwardly confront it. (Patall, et. al., 2008)

Suppose there are two employees with identical issues. One says, “This is as far as I can go,” while the other states, “This is a problem I have yet to solve.”

The second narrative is far more optimistic, and the person is far more willing to face their obstacles, learn from their mistakes, and succeed.

2. Learning From It And Not Shying Away

Everyone wants to avoid failures in their lives. If a certain failure is used to define yourself, that becomes a problem. In contrast, individuals with a growth mindset view failure differently. They perceive it as an opportunity for self-evaluation that ultimately leads to self-improvement. They do not say, “I have failed, therefore, I am not good enough.” Instead, they say, “What lesson can I derive from this failure?” 

Be it entrepreneurs, athletes, or leaders, everyone has attempted things unsuccessfully several times before ultimately achieving their goal. What makes them different is not just how they study their failures but how they transform those failures into success. (Carlson & Fishbach, 2024)

3. Hard Work Ethic, Along With Facing Challenges Along The Way

With a certain mind frame focused on growth, one can find a sense of confidence that fuels resilience. People with this certain mindset don’t give up when challenges arise. They are keen on adjusting, adapting, and pushing through. They fully embrace the notion that it is fine to not achieve perfection and that progress is more than acceptance. (Weidong, et. al., 2022)

Think of pioneers like Thomas Edison. He once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” That is the essence of a growth mindset- working hard until you reach your goal regardless of the challenges that come along the way.

4. Learning And Self-Development As A Goal

People with fixed mindsets usually presume a talent is set and cannot change, but people with a growth mindset accept the fact that learning is a continuous process. Such people seek phenomena like new skills acquisition and constructive criticism and strive towards sharpening their pre-existing skills. (Schroder, 2020)

This is the reason why lifelong learners flourish in their professional and personal lives. They are proactive, willing to change, and never satisfied with being average.

5. Motivation And Innovation In Other People

Success does not only encompass the individual but also other people whom he affects. Growth-oriented leaders enable change, embrace empathy, and even allow team members to do the unthinkable. They don’t see other people excelling as a competition but rather a drive to do better themselves. (Schroder, 2020)

These learning leaders demonstrate a growth mindset, actively shaping those around them to focus on imaging, challenging, and pushing boundaries in the pursuit of success.

How to Shift Towards a Growth Mindset Framework

Here are some steps to ensure you are heading toward acquiring a Growth Mindset: 

  • Transform negative self-prophesy to self-affirming prophecies: Rather than say you cannot do a task, affirm yourself and say that you can
  • Understand that every difficult problem is not a meagre problem but rather is full of learning opportunities.
  • Seek helpful criticism: Learn and grow from negative feedback. 
  • Effort is more important than the result: It is as important to go through the process of learning as it is to achieve.
  • Keep people who think about growth around you: They will affect how you think.

Unlock Your Potential with InPsychful’s Success Mindset Coaching

At InPsychful, we are a private practice based in Singapore that offers therapy services to help our clients take charge of their lives and improve their well-being. One of the services we offer is coaching to achieve personal goals, a programme designed to build a mindset focused on success in business and personal life.

What Exactly Is Success Mindset Coaching? 

Success Mindset coaching is an active process where the client works with one of our coaches in an attempt to achieve a particular goal or goals. This approach protects self-awareness and self-acceptance while embracing self-belief as the foundation for personal success. 

Responsibilities should guide actions in life, and clients can change many aspects of their lives to reach their personal goals and unlock their potential. 

The InPsychful Bridge to Success: Unlock Your Potential with S.O.A.R

Feeling stuck? At InPsychful, we help you break through mental roadblocks and step into success with our unique S.O.A.R Approach: 

  • Self-Awareness – Uncovering the beliefs and underlying mechanisms that are working against you. 
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs – Overcome it and reframe it. This aids in unlocking your potential. 
  • Emotional Agility –Adapt to change with confidence – emotional agility.
  • Resilience – Allows you to withstand obstacles and remain focused.

Through personalized one-on-one coaching, we steer you toward clarity, focus, confidence, and purpose. Look no further – your transformation begins here. So if you have difficulty accomplishing life objectives, want to change and enhance personal or professional self-defeating challenges, or need assistance to implement change, our Success Mindset Coaching offers the resources required to get better outcomes.


Dweck, Carol: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (3rd Edition) (Morristown: Ballantine Books, 2008)

Patall, Erika & Cooper, Harris & Robinson, Jorgianne. (2008). The Effects of Choice on Intrinsic Motivation and Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Research Findings. Psychological bulletin. 134. 270-300. 10.1037/0033-2909.134.2.270. 

Carlson, R. W., & Fishbach, A. (2024). Learning from failure.Motivation Science, 10(3), 160–170.

Tao Weidong , Zhao Dongchi , Yue Huilan , Horton Isabel , Tian Xiuju , Xu Zhen , Sun Hong-Jin. (2022). The Influence of Growth Mindset on the Mental Health and Life Events of College Students. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2022.821206

Schroder, H. S. (2020). Mindsets in the clinic: Applying mindset theory to clinical psychology. Clin. Psychol. Rev. 83. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2020.101957